Natural Hair E-Course Part 7: Happy Hair Secrets
November 01, 2017
HAIR HAPPINESS - Experience a Richer Life
We've reached the fourth and final pillar of the 4-pillared Happy Hair System.
You’ve learned some of the basics of natural hair, how it works, what helps you grow it healthy, what sabotages your success and how to achieve jaw-dropping styles the easy way.
Finally, let’s look at how we achieve, what we call “Hair Happiness.”
True hair happiness is incorporating your hair routine into your successful life routine so that you build healthy, gorgeous hair, great health and a happy life.
Live a Life of Hair Happiness
It’s most important for you to find hair happiness.
Certainly, you need to apply what you've learned in this
natural hair e-course and what we teach in the book,
It's My Prerogative.
However, you've begun applying the regimen you've learned, then you should find rest and peace with your unique brand of beauty.
If you never find peace and contentment in your own beauty then life will be miserable for you. As Christians, we know that God made each of unique and for His own good pleasure. As His creation, we are out of line to be dissatisfied with the Creators good work.
So don't put yourself through unnecessary pain in your attempt to satisfy your frustration by wishing your hair was different or your facial or bodily features were like someone else's.
In my busy life, I can't just do my hair. There's just too much going on. So I have to incorporate my hair management and styling into your successful life routine.
You do have a successful life routine, don't you?
Merging Your Hair Routine Into Your Life Routine
If you stick with your hair routine, achieving gorgeous natural hair is guaranteed. We'll look at some of the ways you may weave your hair regimen into your hectic life.
Enjoy life more as you grow 'happy hair.'
There's no way I can just sit for hours under the hair drier and in the mirror doing my hair.
If you’re an A-type personality like me, you've learned to multi-task while doing your hair. I feel great taking time to do my hair when I’m listening to an educational audio or video.
Build your faith as you implement your happy hair routine.
One of my favorite things to do is listen to Christian teaching audios or videos while doing my hair. While sitting under the dryer, I read my bible, journal, and do other activities that build my faith and encourage me to keep fighting the good fight of faith.
It’s very important to build your ‘Love Tank’ so you have enough to pour into others.
Some girls are divas, and don’t need to be encouraged to take time for themselves - that’s all they ever do is cater to themselves!
But most of us are busy taking care of those we love and important things. For you, I encourage you to care for yourself so your Love Tank isn't running on 'E.'
Excel at work while pursuing happy hair.
Streamlining your routine with the Happy Hair System of processes and products -
Prerogative Hair System - will save your time and energy while delivering gorgeous, super-healthy natural hair that’s easy to style and manage.
With premium-quality products and a bullet-proof routine, you'll cut the time it takes to manage and style your hair. You'll achieve hairstyles that are twice as beautiful in half the time!
Get fit In your quest for happy hair.
African American women need to exercise more. Exercising brings blood flow to the scalp and hair follicles, and also brings more vital nutrients that nourish and stimulate healthy hair growth.
Losing weight, building a strong heart, strong bones, and strong muscles is critical to looking good, feeling good and enjoying a more active lifestyle. Losing 10 lbs makes every hairstyle look sexier!
Maximize your health and nourish happy hair.
Drinking at least 60oz of water daily carries nutrients to your hair follicles, helps the body eliminate toxins and carry out its functions for optimal health and beauty, which stimulates blood flow to the scalp the scalp and helps hair grow healthier.
One critical bodily function is proper digestion, which affects the nutrients from your food - if you’re eating healthy meals - nourishing hair growth.
Omega’s, protein, vitamins and nutrients are critical to optimal health. The healthier you are within, the more your natural beauty will shine through without.
Embracing this healthy hair regimen will uplift your entire life if you weave into your life.
These are just some of the ways I improve the health of my hair while also building a better life.
Start Your Transformation to Natural Hair Happiness!

You'll be amazed at how fast your natural hair grows longer, softer and thicker than ever before!
The ESSENTIAL HEALTHY HAIR KIT is modern breakthrough that women of color are raving about.
Find out why and start your transformation to natural hair happiness today.